

If you are looking to train on your own at Solace (or elsewhere) with programming and remote oversight from a coach, club coaching is the way to go.  We have two tracks available:


This is our full track with periodized programming structured around the CrossFit Open event . All common exercises and movement patterns found in CrossFit will appear in this track, along with typical (Rx) weights. This track is for individuals who want a challenge.

To learn more about our periodized programming structure, you can read this article.


This track is for those new to CrossFit, those who have significant flexibility limitations, those who do not have a desire to focus on advanced movements, and those who may be very active with other training or sport outside of the gym. Generally, you will not see advanced movements (Muscle-ups), squat snatches, and so on in the fitness track. There will also be significant recommended weight reductions to ensure that intensity is kept high in the WODs.

Club Coaching membership

  • Two tracks of weekly CrossFit programming with coaching notes.
  • Access to all previous weeks of CrossFit programming.
  • Access to our private Facebook/Discord discussion group.
  • Unlimited access to post training videos and ask questions about your training & nutrition.
  • Your Coach: Hayden-William Courtland, Ph.D., CF-L3
  • Required Equipment: A fully equipped CrossFit gym (or home gym) will be needed. If you have additional questions, contact us.

MonthLY MembershIP

$29+ Tax

Membership Auto-Renewal: Your membership will auto-renew each month unless canceled. To cancel, email info@solacenewyork.com at least 5 days before your bill date.


Questions?: If you have any additional questions, just post to the club coaching group or send an email to info@solacenewyork.com.

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Solace New York is the #1 fitness gym that New Yorkers in Manhattan go to for their workouts.


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